The reality of living with cancer.

‘When you're not at the hospital you must watch loads of Netflix right?’ Wrong!

I think it can be a common conception that as a cancer patient you're either at the hospital or laying down at home but it's not the case. I spend one day a week at the hospital and the other days I sometimes feel like I just never stop. Here's is a summary of what a day is like...

7:30/8am: Get up, take probiotics, vitamins sprays, anti-depressants and drink a mint tea and litre of water to hydrate. Post spinal surgery I have to stand for at least half an hour to decompress my spine so I'll potter about, usually clean!

9-10am: Coffee, breakfast, do my mobility work and CARS. Take the injection out the fridge, it has to warm up for half an hour. Emails, study if brain allows.

10:30am: Take injection, bit more studying.

11am-12: Train (usually assault bike based) when energy is high.

12pm: Shower, if it's a hair mask day I'll stick that on to counteract the joys of cold cap dryness. Moisterise everything for 1 out of the 3 times in the day. Apply the creams and balms to my nails.

12:30-2pm: Have lunch, do some writing and some work.

2-3pm: Go for a walk, get some fresh air and steps. Tends to be the quietest time of the day and as I'm shielding need to avoid the rush!

3-4pm: Stimulate my brain, through puzzles, painting anything that can activate it and counteract chemo fog.

4-5pm: If I have the energy I'll do around half an hour of resistance exercises to keep my muscle mass up. If my body isn't up for it I'll skip that and just do acupuncture mat, meditation and stretching instead (which I do everyday anyway). Moisturise body 2/3.

Evening hits, I'll have dinner and watch something on TV. If my brain allows I'll watch something that needs focus, if it's a foggy day something super easy! If my nails need redoing I'll re-paint them (you have to keep them covered as UV light discolours them during chemo)

9:30/10pm: Get ready for bed. Moisturise body 3/3. Apply lash balm, nail balms, magnesium spray, take CBD. Read a book, then stick the calm app on and listen to a sleep story and hope for a restful sleep!

So as you can see not much time for Netflix!!


How do you remain positive?


Cancer and disordered eating.